Thursday, October 29, 2009

Middlesex (thoughts so far)

Middlesex has been an interesting read so far. The narrator, Cal, describes her life as a hermaphrodite. The story is so incredibly moving. I could not ever imagine living the way Cal lives. The pain she has to endure must be very hard to handle. During the beginning of the book, Cal talks about her family before her birth. Cal's grandmother has always had a talent for predicting the sex of an unborn child, using things like a spoon to work her magic trick. Cal's birth was the only time her grandmother had ever been wrong about the prediction. I thought that this was a very intriguing way to begin this book. It really got my attention. Cal also begins with describing various events of her life, such as being the specimen of a gender study program. She then proceeds to say that these incredible events all occurred before her 16th birthday. I cannot wait to get further into this book.

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