Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thirteen Reasons Why: The Most Interesting Tape (thanks for the idea Ms. OB!)

The most interesting tape so far is quite creepy! The tape talks about one night when Hannah is in her room, getting dressed and she starts to hear a clicking noise. She hides on her bed and looks out the window. She sees a figure who begins to run away, and she quickly realizes that the clicking noise was coming from a camera. When I read this part of the book, I got really scared. I was reading late at night, so I kept trying to look out my own window, just to see if anybody was there. The next day in school, Hannah asks around about peoples' whereabouts the night before, and she figures out that the figure outside her window was a boy in her grade names Tyler. Hannah barely even knows Tyler. She and a friend decide to make a scene in her room to scare Tyler away, when he comes to Hannah's house the next night. The plan somewhat works because Tyler doesn't come by again. This was definitely the most interesting story on the tapes!

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