Friday, June 11, 2010

Jane Eyre (thoughts on the beginning)

I didn't really know what Jane Eyre was going to be like. I had only heard that it was a classic and it was amazing. When I read the beginning of this book, I immediately liked it. The book starts off when Jane is a young girl and she is living with her Aunt because her parents are both dead. Jane's aunt is not a nice person. She also lives in the house with her cousins and many caretakers. She doesn't really get along with any of them. She and her cousins fight a lot, and Jane is always the one who gets blamed for starting it. Her aunt continuously ignores that fact that Jane is related to her family at all. Instantly, I felt very bad for Jane. She is such a spunky, spontaneous character. She is so misunderstood. People don't like her because she is very poor and they think she lacks manners. I can understand where they are coming from about her behavior (because she doesn't really have manners), but they never give her a chance. This book is absolutely amazing! I enjoyed the whole thing, but the beginning was one of the best parts because it set up the story so well.

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