Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thirteen Reasons Why (what happens half way through)

Thirteen Reasons Why is an absolutely amazing book. I'm so glued to it, I don't want it to end. I'm about 2/3 done with the book. This book is about a girl named Hannah Baker who has killed herself and left behind 7 casette tapes. On 13 sides of the tapes, Hannah recorded herself before she died. Each side is dedicated to a person and each person is one of the 13 reasons why Hannah Killed herself. The book is narrated by Clay Jensen, who is one of the 13 reasons. So far, Clay has been listening to the tapes, waiting to find his side, so he can learn why he has to do with Hannah's death. Along with the tapes, Hannah left a map with red stars on certain locations in Clay's town. Clay has been running from red star to red star trying to figure everything out. This book just grabs the reader. It's a concept and a story line I would have never thought about. It makes you think. It makes you see what an impact you have on people. It makes you feel for others.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer Reading- Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult (book review)

This summer I read an amazing book called Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult. I absolutely love this book and this author. Every book I read by Jodi Picoult gets my attention right away. Nineteen Minutes is about a school shooting that takes place in Sterling, New Hamshire. It is told from many points of view including the shooter, the judge on the case, the shooter's old friend (the judge's daughter), a police officer at the crime scene, etc. The book has so many perspectives, that the reader has a very hard time ever loosing interest in the story which is what makes the story that much more exciting. Even the first few sentences make you want more and more. I really connected with some of the emotions that the characters were feeling in the book. For example, confusion and the feeling of being at a loss for words. A particular moment that I remember reacting to was when the police officers go through the school and see the trails of blood that line the halls. It gave me chills. This book also really makes you think about small things you do to people -good or bad- that really go a long way, even though you may not know it. The story makes you want to think before you act. You never know how much you are really affecting the people around you.